What does {blue} mean to you? When I first heard the theme for our first blog circle my mind was a whirl with ideas: clear blue Arizona skies; our summer in the pool; a trip to the aquarium. But my thoughts kept drifting back to my youngest son. Blue is his colour. Not just his favourite colour but the colour he has when his brother is ‘green’, the colour of his eyes, the colour of his toothbrush, his prefered bowl and spoon and favourite shoes. But more significantly and in a photographic context, when I think of Dryw I think of his emotion turning {blue} when my camera is pointed in his direction for too long.
Dryw has the most expressive, speediest flick-of-a-switch range of emotions and expressions of anyone I know, from happy to crying to laughing to sulking and back again in a matter of minutes. This epitomises his entire character. I’ve lost count of the number of images I could title {blue} because of the face that I see through my viewfinder. But rather than looking back to existing images I decided to celebrate his no-nonsense, what-you-see-is-what-I-feel approach to life. I want Dryw to know how much we love this side of his character, how much his ability to express his emotions will help him in the future, how we embrace the little things that make Dryw, Dryw. So here is our family homage to Dryw (and the moment that follows {blue}).
“no more photos mummy”

This project was so much fun and the results far exceeded my expectations. I have so many images of each of us, I’m able to show to you the range of emotions that my sweet little one can muster in just a few minutes. This sums him up. What you see is what you get:
“It’s one thing to make a picture of what a person looks like, its another thing to make a portrait of who they are.” ~ Paul Caponigro
This blog is part of the Artists Inspired Blog Circle series. Click here to continue the circle and see how talented photographer, Channon Williamson, interpreted this month’s theme. Be sure to follow the links all the way round to complete the full circle.
The Artists Inspired Blog Circle is made up of an exceptionally talented group of photographers from all walks of life, from all over the world. They are wives, mothers, friends, daughters and visual storytellers who draw from their own experiences to create art that is inspiring, unique, beautiful and thought-provoking.
LOVED reading this and, oh my heart, those curls!!
Thank you so much! He has the character to go with those curls, haha!
Oh my word…that sweet face! This is great!! 🙂
Thank you, Tammy <3
What great images. I love all the different expressions that you have. What a cutie.
Thank you, Sharleen. It was a really fun project!
Oh I love this! It’s so perfect! The colors are great but the family in bw is superb!
Thank you, Danie. We’re going to hang the B&Ws on the wall 🙂
Love your take on Blue, beautiful. <3
Thank you so much, Carrine <3
What a wonderful take on the theme! And I’m so thrilled for you capturing such incredible images of your family. <3
Thank you! It’s not like anything I’ve tried of our family before but I’m so pleased I did. We’ll be doing more of these for sure!
I love the pics!! you did an amazing job of capturing you and your family. Expecially little guy <3
Thank you so much, Nicole
Oh, how I can relate to that lightning fast switch-a-roo!!
Flick of a switch! Yesterday I had a tiny instant of happy immediately followed by running and screaming at the camera! What a kid…!
Brilliant write up! Love and identify with your take on blue so much! My son has many faces in front of the camera and I can’t hover for too long or he puts on a pout real quick!
Thank you Kathy!
This is perfection!! I LOVE this interpretation SO MUCH, Ceri! Those cute faces are too much!
And, I need to make a note of this quote…it ties it in so beautifully too!
“It’s one thing to make a picture of what a person looks like, its another thing to make a portrait of who they are.” ~ Paul Caponigro
Thank you so much, Shelby. I saw this quote after I’d taken the images and a few days before I did the write up. I knew instantly that I had to use it. I love it!
I love these!!!!! So many expressions and what a beautiful family!!! Love them!
Thank you Kristi, it’s so kind of you to say that
Nailed it, these are outstanding. I am in love
Thank you so much, Channon <3
Omg!! These are fantabulous!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea! That face….what a face 🙂
Thank you so much, Brandi. He’s so expressive!