Artists Inspired Blog Circle | December 2016 – White

What does {White} mean to you? White in December…it has to be Winter! Snowmen and snowflakes. Thick crunchy frost underfoot glistening in the early morning sunshine. Cold. A deep down cold in your bones winter chill.

But I live in central Arizona. The valley of the sun. If we get frost here it’ll be melted by the time I get out of bed. If we get snow here it will be a light dusting on the surrounding mountains once a year and it’ll be a headline on the major news reports. But if we take the weather conditions out of the equation {white} says “outside”, so for this month’s blog circle I’m going to get out and about. White street photography is where I’ll be at.

I decided to take images specifically for this blog rather than revisit my archives. Truth be told I wanted an excuse to visit a part of downtown Phoenix that I’d heard was great for photographers: Roosevelt Row. Oh boy, I was not disappointed! There is so much colour, so much visual interest; there is art on  every single building, every street corner. I could go back time and time again and always find something new. Take a look at what I found…

Wouldn’t it make an awesome location for a photo session – families, kids, seniors, all of it! First person to book a session with me here gets their session fee waived!

This blog is part of the Artists Inspired Blog Circle series. Click here to continue the circle and see how talented photographer, Channon Williamson, interpreted this month’s theme. Be sure to follow the links all the way round to complete the full circle.

The Artists Inspired Blog Circle is made up of an exceptionally talented group of photographers from all walks of life, from all over the world. They are wives, mothers, friends, daughters and visual storytellers who draw from their own experiences to create art that is inspiring, unique, beautiful and thought-provoking.

Artists Inspired Blog Circle Contributor

9 Replies to “Artists Inspired Blog Circle | December 2016 – White”

  1. Wow!! You aren’t kidding…that’s an awesome location, and I’d be all over it if I were closer to you! I hope someone gets in on this — you are an amazing photographer! I LOVE how you found so much beauty to work with in a mostly everyday kind of place! Great interpretation! <3

  2. This place looks wonderful – I have Phoenix on my bucket list so I must remember this for future reference. It won’t be anytime soon I don’t think though. I love your main image and the little boy watering birds. Wow this is a total feast for the eyes and I think I would be here forever. Great post.

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