I had a plan for this month’s installment of the Artists Inspired blog circle. A clear and concise plan. 10 days before publishing the blog we would be travelling to Texas for Spring Break (which happily coincides with my birthday each year) and I was bound to find lots of {green} there. Surely!
…except I had it in my head I was looking for orange and made no attempt to search out green at all!
Anyhow, no matter. A day at Big Bend National Park presented me with plenty of green to share with you.
…but then, two days after we returned home from our epic road trip, having already selected my {green} images and with only 2 days until I have to post my blog link, as I was enjoying a dog walk at dusk, I was struck by just how much green there is in the valley at this time of year, more so than either of our previous years here thanks to winter rain showers. One week away and the valley has exploded with colour and life in our absence; the air is thick with the smell of blossom! I couldn’t not share it with you! I hope these few images, taken in somewhat of a hurry, capture a sense of that life.
These first two may not look like much but there is grass! Grass where I’ve never seen grass growing before! Green where normally there is brown! How cool is that?!
Ok so this last one isn’t actually from my dog walking route; it is from my original blog post with images from Big Bend National Park. I’m including it here because I loved the juxtaposition of the small and delicate wildflower being threatened and yet protected by the prickles of the spiky prickly pear.
This blog is part of the Artists Inspired Blog Circle series. Click here to continue the circle and see how talented photographer, Channon Williamson, interpreted this month’s theme. Be sure to follow the links all the way round to complete the full circle.
The Artists Inspired Blog Circle is made up of an exceptionally talented group of photographers from all walks of life, from all over the world. They are wives, mothers, friends, daughters and visual storytellers who draw from their own experiences to create art that is inspiring, unique, beautiful and thought-provoking.
Ceri! These images are beautiful!
Thank you Lindsey!
Lol I visualize Texas as brown around now. I am so glad that you got to see new life as you got home. I love your share on green. I especially love the image with the tiny orange flowers with the narrow depth of field. You have taken what we see as ordinary and made them beautiful.
Thank you so much, Sharleen <3
i love that juxtaposition of the cactus and flower! very cool. so sad we missed you in TX.
I’m sad too! I’ll see you in Atlanta though, I’m sure of it!
Well, I can’t wait for the {orange} blog! However, I loved your {green} blog!! You are so talented! My goodness, that one picture with the white flowers is so very pretty!
I’m an idiot, right?! I didn’t even find much orange, haha! Thank you so much!
What beautiful photos! I especially love that little clump of grass in the gorgeous colored earth!
Thank you, Emilee <3
My love for green grows stronger as I go around this circle. Fantastic share Ceri 🙂
I have such a love hate relationship with green, but the circle sure does help improve my opinion! Thanks Channon <3
Oh, Ceri, you never disappoint! I love how you sought and found your GREEN in the desert. Simply beautiful!
Thank you, Liz. The timing was pretty perfect. But alas it won’t last long now temperatures are consistently in the 90s!
These are amazing! I can hardly believe that this is the same desert you usually photograph in!
Thank you, Nikki!