Share Six Blog Circle – July 2020 | New

Across the world, nations and communities have been experiencing a {new} normal. As we begin to turn a corner here, moving into a new phase of localised lockdowns, Share Six is reflecting on {new} and what that has meant to us during these turbulent past few months.

We were without a garden of our own for five years, and the last time I had a patch of green where I could make plans and make planting investments, I had two very small boys. The priority there was a Little Tikes truck and a blanket in the shade of a tree! This enforced time at home has given me the time and space (that I didn’t know) I needed to get back in touch with my (very barely) green fingers. We have planted up lots of pots, started to grow our own veggies and sunflowers from seed, dug up a shed base and sowed grass seed in its place. For the first time, we are making a garden our own. It is new and I feel renewed.

I’ve also been trying my hand at macro images without fancy techniques (of course I am including a few of those too because I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t). There first two images are technically a weed and they have since been mowed, but they feel right to be shared here.



I might be in the minority, but I have truly treasured this time we have had at home. I’m not ready to leave the safety and security of these four walls. I like it here.

Thanks for joining us again this month. Don’t forget, post your {new} images on our Facebook page SHARE SIX or to our Instagram gallery by using #sharesix_new. A new theme will be posted on 6th August.

Up next in our blog circle is my lovely friend and extremely talented photographer, Janet Douglas. Click here to see her images and be sure to leave her some love!

Until next time, stay safe,

Ceri xx

Share Six Contributor

3 Replies to “Share Six Blog Circle – July 2020 | New”

  1. Beautiful Ceri.  I agree I too am enjoying the time at home. I love how you have captured the details of nature.  All your images are beautiful but I love the third one from the bottom.  It is like it has a hairy tongue and you have zoned in beautifully on it.  

  2. We were thinking in the same direction! <3 Absolutely love what you have shared here: the lines and textures and light – all combined so gorgeous! 

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