Inspired by Life Blog Circle | May 365

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

Summer is here, summer is here! One week left of school and we’re so ready for summer to really start!

Today however, I’m looking back to May: the weather was changeable, Spring was barely springing, I got a new lens and a new website, and I spent more than two days photographing only dandelions:

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Up next in our blog circle is the exceptionally talented Tracy of Bee Cherished. Click Here to see what she has in store for us this month!

Until next time,


10 on 10 Blog Circle | June 2018

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

For this month’s 10 on 10 I’d like to share some images of dandelion seed heads. I didn’t have the equipment to capture these seed puffs when we lived in the UK and I spent three years in the desert wishing they’d grow there, but finally here we are surrounded by them! It’s silly really, in every day life no one wants to see them, but put them in a photograph and they’re really very beautiful!

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There are only two of us in this month’s 10 on 10 Blog Circle so please head on over to show Sharleen of Sharleen Stuart Photography some love! Click here to see her 10 images for this month.

Thank you for joining me for another 10 on 10.

Until next time,


Share Six Blog Circle – June 2018 | Abstract


Abstract art uses a visual language of shape, form, color and line to create a composition which may exist with a degree of independence from visual references in the world.

Abstract photography, sometimes called non-objective, experimental, conceptual or concrete photography, is a means of depicting a visual image that does not have an immediate association with the object world and that has been created through the use of photographic equipment, processes or materials.

The choice of our Share Six theme this month was mine. Those of you who know my work  probably guessed as much! I am all about the abstract!

Changes in our life circumstances last year led my photography down a new and unexpected path. I had been using double exposures to capture more than a perfect representation of the scene, so I guess you could say there were indicators to the direction I was going. But I came to find myself learning about our new home and processing these changes for our family by experimenting more and more with in-camera creative techniques. As I reflect on it now, perhaps it has become more a means of escapism than acceptance. But that said, I definitely settled here faster than when we moved from the UK to Arizona, so it can’t have been such a bad thing. I feel like I understand the light and surroundings here, even though it is all more alien than I could have ever imagined, more intimately than anything before.

This month I could share any number of images from the last year with you; almost everything I create at the moment is abstract in some form or other. But photography is the one area of my life where I push myself without fear or hesitation, and I love having the excuse to try something new, so that is what I did. This was a little experimentation and some fun results:

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I love that everyone will see something different in these images, and that is what I truly love about abstract imagery and the direction my art is taking. There is no right or wrong; mood, attitude and personal experience all feed into your interpretation. You don’t have to like anything that I show you, but if it can make you think, make you feel, make you question why, I call that a win.

Thank you for joining us for another month at Share Six. Please continue around the circle by clicking HERE. I can’t wait to see how the exceptionally talented Kathy of KG Ledbetter  Photography interpreted this month’s theme.

Join us for this month’s theme by posting your {Abstract} images on our Facebook page at SHARE SIX and to our Instagram gallery, by tagging #sharesix and #sharesix_abstract. A new theme will be posted on 6th July.

Inspired by Life Blog Circle | April 2018

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

We’ve almost reached the end of May and that means it’s long-overdue time to look back at my images from April. The beginning of the month already seems like an age ago. These months are whizzing by faster and faster. We had numerous highlights including a trip to North Carolina for Spring Break, an 8th birthday, a taekwondo grading and a wedding anniversary, and that was just the latter half of the month!

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I took a ton more images during April, especially from our trip to North Carolina, so it was hard to now it down to one per day. I’ve shared many of the others before, some I will share further down the line, but these images are us living life.

Thank you for joining me for another month.

It’s only a small circle this month so please be sure to click all the way round. Please support my talented friend, Sharleen by clicking here. I can’t wait to see what she has in store for us this month!

Until next time,


10 on 10 Blog Circle | May 2018

Yay, it’s 10 on 10 time again! This month I want to share 10 images I took while we were in North Carolina for Spring Break: sunsets and the sea!

We went to the Outer Banks, a narrow strip of islands up to 25 miles off the coast of the mainland. The wonderful thing for photographers about this place is that one evening you can watch the blue light over the east-facing sea with the sun setting behind you and the next you can watch the golden light of the sun setting over the inlet towards the mainland. So many opportunities to get creative!

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Up next in the 10 on 10 Blog Circle is Lexie of Alexis Merritt Photography. Click here to see her 10 images for this month. There are only a few members participating in the circle this month so be sure to click all the way around!

Until next time,
