Share Six Blog Circle – May 2018 | Urban

Another month has been and gone, and here in New England Spring has finally landed! What better excuse to get out and about in glorious weather than a street photography theme. This month at Share Six we want to see your best {Urban} images.

It’s been a busy month round here so I’ve not been able to shoot specifically for this theme. Looking through my archives, it turns out I don’t really do Urban anything! I’ve always told my husband that I want to live in the country, whereas he’d be totally happy in the city with all of its hustle and bustle, but my photographs tell me that I’m supposed to be surrounded by nature. And photography wins, so there you have it, rural-living wins!

Anyway, I digress. I do love street photography, I just don’t seem to do it a whole lot. So I’ve had to dig far far back to find a variety and images I’ve not shared before. Here a few of my favourites from the past few years and a couple from even further back. You may have seen some of couple of them before, and for that I make no apologies.

[pp_gallery id=”1974″] 

California > Phoenix > Venice > New York > London > Dallas

I took the image of the Houses of Parliament in 2014, but it’s taken me 4 years to process it. I had only just started shooting manual (literally two days before) and we went on a special evening trip into London so I could experiment with shutter speed. How I long to be there to apply all that I know now! Perhaps this summer I can make that happen?!

There are so many options with this theme: details, cityscapes, documentary and creative techniques. We want to see it all!

Thank you for joining us for another month at Share Six. Please continue around the circle by clicking HERE. I can’t wait to see how the exceptionally talented Nicola of Nicola MacQueen Photography interpreted this month’s theme.

Join us for this month’s theme by posting your {Urban} images on our Facebook page at SHARE SIX and to our Instagram gallery, by tagging #sharesix and #sharesix_urban. A new theme will be posted on 6th June.


Inspired by Life Blog Circle | March 365

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

The latest edition of the Inspired by Life blog circle is here, and I’m continuing with my 365 highlights. This is March!

If I’m honest, March was a blur. Mostly because of the snow. Lots and lots of snow; a blizzard-like blur. I’ve said it before, our first winter here has been quite the learning curve; March however was something else all together! But the end of the month showed us our first welcome glimpse of spring.

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

1st March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

4th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

5th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

6th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

7th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

8th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

9th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

10th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

11th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

12th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

13th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

14th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

15th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

18th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

19th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

21st March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

22nd March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

24th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

25th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

26th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

27th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

28th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

29th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

30th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

31st March | first glimpse of Spring

Thank you for joining me for another month and for making it all the way through!

If you’ve made it this far please continue around the blog circle. Click Here to see what work  my wonderfully talented friend Brandi Geoghagan has shared with us this month.

Until next time,


10 on 10 Blog Circle – April 2018| Massachusetts Photographer

It’s 10 on 10 time!

We had so much snow last month and I have about a gazillion images of it. Overflowing with snow; overflowing with images! Here’s just a tiny taste of the fun we had.

“We’re going on a bear hunt…”

I think she enjoys it more than the rest of us combined:

Some fun just for me:


Their world of exploration and imagination is never-ending:

Up next in the 10 on 10 Blog Circle is the immensely talented Sharleen of Sharleen Stuart Photography. Click here to see her 10 images for this month.

Until next time,


Share Six Blog Circle – April 2018 | Lines

I live in a place surrounded and engulfed by trees: long towering trees soaring up to the heavens; an unorganised chaos of vertical {lines}. This month at Share Six is all about Lines. Photographically we talk about leading lines all the time and that is no doubt one of my favourite compositional tools, but my abstract work has definitely grown the way it has because of the lumbering giants that live outside my window (each window). Whilst I’m looking forward to the onset of spring, I know that with it will come a darker house as the leaves take over our view of sky between the cracks in the lines.

The images I’m sharing for this month’s theme were all taken in March. We have had five (yes, five) winter storms in less than a month so my images reflect the monochromatic that comes with a snow-shrouded life:

Thank you for joining us for another month at Share Six. Please continue around the circle by clicking HERE. I can’t wait to see how the exceptionally talented Lynne of Lynne Grant Photography interpreted this month’s theme.

Join us for this month’s theme by posting your {contrast} images on our Facebook page at SHARE SIX and to our Instagram gallery, by tagging #sharesix and #sharesix_lines. A new theme will be posted on 6th May.

Shoot & Share 2018 Photo Contest Results

Shoot & Share Photo Contest has taken up a lot my time over the past few months, probably more time than I care to admit, but for the first time, my third time of entering, I can feel the benefit. I have seen the Facebook photography world sharing their successes and heard others voice concern or disappointment.

The first year I entered I knew nothing about the contest until right before the deadline so just threw a few favourites into the hat. I didn’t know what to expect and I did ok, but I was still disappointed. It showed me I wasn’t the photographer that I thought I was.

The second year I agonised over which images to submit, I voted obsessively and I agonised over the results. I was pleased to improve my placings from the previous year but I was disappointed with how I handled myself.

It is a free competition, open to anyone and voted on by anyone. There is no grand jury making decisions and no commercial benefit to the vast majority of those who enter. So why had I let myself become so caught up in the emotion of it all? I allowed myself to see other people’s success as a reflection of my own failure. I hadn’t failed but I allowed myself to think that I had.

This year I went into it with caution. I knew I had to enter if I was going to improve perception of myself. I had a goal to reach Round 12 for the first time, but I also set myself the task of not caring so much.  I didn’t want to lose hour-upon-hour of voting and I wouldn’t allow myself to feel defeated because other people succeeded. Yes, it was inevitable that I would see images in the final rounds of voting that I felt shouldn’t be there in place of my own, but someone somewhere thought otherwise, and I held my head high and said “that’s ok.” I shalt not compare myself to someone else for who knows what it took them to get there.

When the overall results were released I knew with confidence that I had reached my goal. Not one but five of my images made it into Round 12, but more importantly, I didn’t stress over it; I enjoyed the process. And so I wanted to share my top images with you. I want you to see the diversity of this collection: holiday/vacation pictures, client images, documentary images; and I need you to know that this is not  representative of my work. I’ve heard it said that it is a mainstream popularity test, and I agree. Largely speaking, the images that drive me, the “art” that I create, those images that I hope one day to show in a gallery or have published in a book or magazine, are not these images. These do not define me. This contest does not define me. It is not a happy client or a publishing house. It is not a corporation that wants to fill their offices with my art on their walls or an opportunity to share my knowledge. These are my goals. Don’t get me wrong, this contest is a wonderful morale boost when you achieve your goal. It really is. But it is nothing more than that.

Can I also just add that my best placed image is also one of my most treasured. There is so much of my heart summed up right here:

Finalist, Lifestyle & Family Documentary 146/19,330

Finalist, Travel/Landscape 358/16,373

Finalist, Babies & Toddlers 476/28,425

Finalist, Travel/Landscape 492/16,373

Finalist, Travel/Landscape 523/16,373

Top 10%, Travel/Landscape 612/16,373

Top 10%, Travel/Landscape 846/16,373

Top 10%, Travel/Landscape 1223/16,373

Top 10%, Kids 1,325/35,570

Top 10%, Travel/Landscape 1,492/16,373

Top 10%, Family Portraits 1,758/26,963

Top 10%, Kids 2,491/35,570

Top 10%, Kids 2,932/35,570

Top 20%, Pets & Animals 1,980/14,4426

Top 20%, Creative & Personal Projects 1,980/13,502

Top 20%, Lifestyle & Family Documentary 2,066/19,330

Top 20%, Travel/Landscape 2,200/16,373

Top 20%, Creative & Personal Projects 2,653/13,502

Top 20%, Travel/Landscape 2,731/16,373

Top 20%, Lifestyle & Family Documentary 2,775/19,330

Top 20%, Family Portraits 3,254/26,963

Top 20%, Lifestyle & Family Documentary 3,271/19,330

Top 20%, Kids 3,723/35,570

Top 20%, Kids 4,373/35,570

Top 20%, Kids 4,441/35,570

Top 20%, Babies & Toddlers 5,279/28,425

Top 20%, Babies & Toddlers 5,279/28,425

Top 30%, Lifestyle & Family Documentary 5,240/19,330

Top 30%, Lifestyle & Family Documentary 5,022/19,330

Top 30%, Lifestyle & Family Documentary 5,531/19,330

Top 30%, Kids 7,265/35,570

I’m awarding this one an honorable mention because it narrowly missed out on Top 30% because of the tiny number of images entered in the Share Joy category, but it placed numerically really well.

Plus I love it.

Until next year, Shoot & Share!

~ Ceri