10 on 10 | September 2018


Our crazy summer is behind us; now it’s just a blur of memories and images on a hard drive (most of which are still unprocessed, haha). But instead of dwelling on the happiness of what has been, I am looking forward and focusing my attention on something new.

The weekend before school started I dragged my family to the beach. That may not seem like such a chore but after a long busy summer, believe me, it was! I had a vision, a specific look for a specific image, that I wanted to achieve, so I was thankful they humored me. My initial short list included 165 images so I guess you could it was a successful trip!

My favourites are destined for a spot on a large public white wall, so for this month’s 10 on 10 I’m sharing a few captures of the kids (after they stopped sulking) and some of my almost-favourites. Gah, I love the beach!

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Until next time,


10 on 10 Blog Circle | July 2018

photograph of white peony flower macro photography

Every once in a while, back when school was still in session, I would find myself with a brief window of time in the day just for myself, once my to-do list was finished but there was still time before pick-up. On this particular day I had 10 minutes. 10 minutes in the garden with my camera. It was spring so there were flowers in full bloom and I could’ve happily spent hours studying each and every one. A 10 on 10 in 10:

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Thank you for joining me for another 10 on 10. Up next in our blog circle is Sharleen of Sharleen Stuart Photography. Click Here to see what amazing images she is sharing with us this month.

Until next time,


10 on 10 Blog Circle | June 2018

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

For this month’s 10 on 10 I’d like to share some images of dandelion seed heads. I didn’t have the equipment to capture these seed puffs when we lived in the UK and I spent three years in the desert wishing they’d grow there, but finally here we are surrounded by them! It’s silly really, in every day life no one wants to see them, but put them in a photograph and they’re really very beautiful!

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There are only two of us in this month’s 10 on 10 Blog Circle so please head on over to show Sharleen of Sharleen Stuart Photography some love! Click here to see her 10 images for this month.

Thank you for joining me for another 10 on 10.

Until next time,


10 on 10 Blog Circle | May 2018

Yay, it’s 10 on 10 time again! This month I want to share 10 images I took while we were in North Carolina for Spring Break: sunsets and the sea!

We went to the Outer Banks, a narrow strip of islands up to 25 miles off the coast of the mainland. The wonderful thing for photographers about this place is that one evening you can watch the blue light over the east-facing sea with the sun setting behind you and the next you can watch the golden light of the sun setting over the inlet towards the mainland. So many opportunities to get creative!

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Up next in the 10 on 10 Blog Circle is Lexie of Alexis Merritt Photography. Click here to see her 10 images for this month. There are only a few members participating in the circle this month so be sure to click all the way around!

Until next time,


10 on 10 Blog Circle – April 2018| Massachusetts Photographer

It’s 10 on 10 time!

We had so much snow last month and I have about a gazillion images of it. Overflowing with snow; overflowing with images! Here’s just a tiny taste of the fun we had.

“We’re going on a bear hunt…”

I think she enjoys it more than the rest of us combined:

Some fun just for me:


Their world of exploration and imagination is never-ending:

Up next in the 10 on 10 Blog Circle is the immensely talented Sharleen of Sharleen Stuart Photography. Click here to see her 10 images for this month.

Until next time,
