Inspired by Life Blog Circle | July 365


July is long gone and we’ll be back to school in the blink of an eye, so it’s about time I share my images from July. It was a month of two halves: waiting to be home and being home, the home that is England. We spent precious time with so many loved ones. If you’ll watching carefully you’ll see a few of them in these images.

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This post is part of the Inspired by Life Blog Circle. Please continue around the circle and support to my talented friends. Next up is the wonderfully talented Sharleen of Sharleen Stuart Photography. CLICK HERE to see what she has to offer this month.

Thank you for joining me for another month of images.

Until next time,


Inspired by Life Blog Circle | June 365


It’s time again to look back at my images from last month: this is June.

I am officially half way through this current 365!

I remember thinking at the time the whole of June felt like a constant and monotonous countdown, waiting for the last day of school and for the summer to finally begin. It doesn’t seem right that we wish away these days by dreaming about tomorrow or tomorrow’s tomorrow even though there are more exciting days on the horizon. There is beauty and joy to be found in every day, so long as we take the time to appreciate it. I was obviously feeling the *blah* of the waiting and of the daily grind because it was clearly reflected through many days of (frankly, boring) images. But blah does not make the cut, so this gallery is smaller than others. I shall endeavour to better my attitude and my images for July, I promise!

So here is June (minus that blah):

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Up next in the Inspired by Life blog circle is Tracy of Bee Cherished Photography. Click Here to see her latest blog post. Make sure you stop by and leave her some love.

Thank you for joining me for another month of images.

Until next time,


Inspired by Life Blog Circle | May 365

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

Summer is here, summer is here! One week left of school and we’re so ready for summer to really start!

Today however, I’m looking back to May: the weather was changeable, Spring was barely springing, I got a new lens and a new website, and I spent more than two days photographing only dandelions:

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Up next in our blog circle is the exceptionally talented Tracy of Bee Cherished. Click Here to see what she has in store for us this month!

Until next time,


Inspired by Life Blog Circle | April 2018

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

We’ve almost reached the end of May and that means it’s long-overdue time to look back at my images from April. The beginning of the month already seems like an age ago. These months are whizzing by faster and faster. We had numerous highlights including a trip to North Carolina for Spring Break, an 8th birthday, a taekwondo grading and a wedding anniversary, and that was just the latter half of the month!

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I took a ton more images during April, especially from our trip to North Carolina, so it was hard to now it down to one per day. I’ve shared many of the others before, some I will share further down the line, but these images are us living life.

Thank you for joining me for another month.

It’s only a small circle this month so please be sure to click all the way round. Please support my talented friend, Sharleen by clicking here. I can’t wait to see what she has in store for us this month!

Until next time,


Inspired by Life Blog Circle | March 365

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

The latest edition of the Inspired by Life blog circle is here, and I’m continuing with my 365 highlights. This is March!

If I’m honest, March was a blur. Mostly because of the snow. Lots and lots of snow; a blizzard-like blur. I’ve said it before, our first winter here has been quite the learning curve; March however was something else all together! But the end of the month showed us our first welcome glimpse of spring.

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

1st March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

4th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

5th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

6th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

7th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

8th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

9th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

10th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

11th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

12th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

13th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

14th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

15th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

18th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

19th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

21st March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

22nd March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

24th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

25th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

26th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

27th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

28th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

29th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

30th March

Ceri Herd Photography | Massachusetts Photographer

31st March | first glimpse of Spring

Thank you for joining me for another month and for making it all the way through!

If you’ve made it this far please continue around the blog circle. Click Here to see what work  my wonderfully talented friend Brandi Geoghagan has shared with us this month.

Until next time,
