Life Unscripted | April 2017

Unscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

Another month has been and gone. Yet another month that has flown by in a whirl of I don’t know what.

We started April in Boston. If you follow my Facebook page you’ll have seen that we will be moving to Massachusetts in June. We were decision-making, looking at houses and schools, exploring different neighbourhoods, visiting friends, and getting used to real weather again! Since that week life has been moving a pace: planning and researching, securing a place to live, signing paperwork, clearing through boxes and all the other mumbo-jumbo that comes with moving a family across a continent.

We’ve done it before. We can do it again. Right?!

Since that trip is shaping and driving our next few of months and our next couple of years, I want to share some of our Unscripted moments from that week. This is where our lives on the East Coast begins.

Unscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

Thanks for stopping by!



Life Unscripted | March 2017

Massachusetts Photographer | Share Six Collections | ©CeriHerdPhotography

Welcome to the next edition of the my month Unscripted!

March has been a bit of whirlwind around here, I feel like my feet haven’t touched the ground. We’ve taken a week long road trip to Texas and back, spent a weekend in Page to visit Antelope Canyon, and at the end of the month we headed to Boston. If I’m honest, almost everything about those trips was really far from Unscripted. For literally very minute I was thinking about capturing the incredible destinations, the iconic scenery, and so my photographic expectations were soaring high. There were nights I barely slept because I was anxious to see what I had captured the previous day or nervous about my self-imposed pressure for the following day. But between all the big moments, there where also plenty of little ones. I hope you enjoy a few of our Unscripted moments from March:

Unscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography


Life {Unscripted} Blog Circle | February 2017

Unscripted Photographer Scottsdale | ©CeriHerdPhotography

Whether you’ve come straight here or you’re working your way around the Life Unscripted Blog Circle, thank you so much for stopping by.

I am beyond thrilled to have recently joined the Life {Unscripted} team. Seriously! LU was the first photographic community that I found on Facebook, or any other place for that matter. The support that the team showed me from that initial contact 2 years ago, as well as the amazing array of talent that they showcase each month, shapes the photographer that I aspire to be now. It really is an honour to have been welcomed into the team. I feel like I have circled back around to where I began.

The past few months have been a bit of a blur. With germ infestations on a seemingly weekly basis for the smaller people in our family and my own camera fatigue, I have barely picked up my camera, so for this post I want to focus on getting back to normal. A “normal” day: not trying to do fancy things in-camera, not stressing about capturing every part of every day in magic light. Just a normal, balanced and relaxing day – a dog walk that is more about the children running than the dog walking (hence why you will barely see her here) and some boy time in the garden on our new-to-us hammock. This may be just “normal” but for me it was a breath of fresh air. Enjoy!

Next up is our wonderful LU Mama, Crystal Raynard of Crystal Raynard Photography. Please click HERE to keep following the circle.
