Share Six Blog Circle – February 2021 | Silver Lining


A {Silver Lining} might seem hard to find for a lot of us right now, but that’s exactly why Share Six is exploring that theme this month. I’ve spent hours thinking about what my silver lining is and what images to post. I’ve been thinking about what I’m grateful for and what positives I feel at the end of each day. It comes down to this:

I am grateful for the additional time I have had to create images since the beginning of the year. I am grateful I was strong enough to make a choice – a choice that is now giving me the time I need to rediscover myself when I hadn’t realised how lost I was. I am grateful for friends who have pushed me, guided me and encouraged me to find my way back into doing what I love. They know who they are.

Integral to this, I’m currently 3-weeks in to a 4-week workshop with Click Photo School (Clickin Moms). It is called Creative Approach. The workshop is led by insanely talented Ardelle Neubert, and it has been exactly what I needed at exactly the right time. I thought I’d use this theme to share some of my images from the workshop with you.



This is the therapy for my soul that I need while we face these challenging times.

Thanks for joining us again this month. Don’t forget, post your {silver lining} images on our Facebook page SHARE SIX or to our Instagram gallery by using #sharesix_silverlining. A new theme will be posted on 6th March.

Up next in our blog circle is my lovely friend and extremely talented photographer, Janet Douglas. Click here to see her images and be sure to leave her some love!

Until next time, stay safe,

Ceri xx

Share Six Contributor

Share Six Blog Circle – January 2021 | Details


A new year, a new Share Six theme! To kick-off 2021, we’re focusing on the {details}.

There are lots of ‘details’ going on in all our lives right now that I could focus on, but I know if I do I’ll get sucked down a rabbit hole of emotions. So instead, let’s keep this simple.

I love to take a single subject:


And examine it:


To find new angles:


And to focus on what makes that subject an individual:


And find a new level of creativity:


This is the therapy for my soul that I need while we face these challenging times.

Thanks for joining us again this month. Don’t forget, post your {details} images on our Facebook page SHARE SIX or to our Instagram gallery by using #sharesix_details. A new theme will be posted on 6th February.

Up next in our blog circle is my lovely friend and extremely talented photographer, Sharleen Stuart Photography. Click here to see her images and be sure to leave her some love!

Until next time, stay safe,

Ceri xx

Share Six Contributor

Share Six Blog Circle – December 2020 | Storytelling


This month at Share Six, we’re looking at images that tell a story. Can you tell a complete story through a single image? What message are you trying to convey, does it take more than one image to say it or can you frame the scene to say it all?

The balloon experiment, a lockdown science project:



Caught in the rain:


The daily chaos of the morning school run:


The tireless pursuit of coffee and the boy who reads anywhere and everywhere:






Thanks for joining us again this month. Don’t forget, post your {storytelling} images on our Facebook page SHARE SIX or to our Instagram gallery by using #sharesix_storytelling. A new theme will be posted on 6th January.

Up next in our blog circle is my lovely friend and extremely talented photographer, Liz of It’s Still Life Photography by Elizabeth WillsonClick here to see her images and be sure to leave her some love!

Until next time, stay safe,

Ceri xx

Share Six Contributor

Share Six Blog Circle – November 2020 | Traditions



It is two years to the day since we left the USA for good. Last year it was an anniversary that came and went with a small recognition of the whirlwind of a year it had been. This year however, I’m not ashamed to say that I’m struggling, in no small part due to the pandemic and the US election.

As we begin our second national lockdown and face the prospect of Christmas without all the usual bells and whistles, I find myself feeling overly nostalgic and overwhelmingly sad at the state of the world.

Looking forward, I find myself focusing on the impact lockdown will have on our annual festive traditions. Last year we went to see the Christmas lights at Longleat, in the US we took annual trips on the Grand Canyon Polar Express and to the Phoenix Zoo Zoolights. In a mad panic  to maintain normality, last week I booked us tickets to see the Christmas lights at Blenheim Palace.  Who knows if we’ll get there with the ever-changing government guidelines, but it is definitely something to look forward to!

I’ve been looking through old images for this post. Now I’m deep in a hole reminiscing about the places we’ve been over the past five years and the traditions we made, and weeping at the thought of those traditions being on-hold this year.


Having a good ol’ sing song on the Polar Express in 2016!


This next one is a throwback to our first trip on the Polar Express in 2014. They were so small!


Searching back through the archives, one thing seems to tie every year together, and clearly it’s one tradition that we’ll be able to hold on to this year after all. There is always hot chocolate!



Thanks for joining us again this month. Don’t forget, post your {traditions} images on our Facebook page SHARE SIX or to our Instagram gallery by using #sharesix_traditions. A new theme will be posted on 6th December.

Up next in our blog circle is my lovely friend and extremely talented photographer, Lynne Grant. Click here to see her images and be sure to leave her some love!

Until next time, stay safe,

Ceri xx

Share Six Contributor

Share Six Blog Circle – September 2020 | Colours

This month the Share Six team is looking at {Colours} or {Colors}. Whether it is single colour, colour pops or multiple colours, colour brings something extra special to the image.

Here are a few of my favourites images from the past month where the colour or the tone are a major contributing factor. Enjoy!

Ceri Herd Photography Fleet Photographer Colour Succulent Intentional Camera MovementCeri Herd Photography Colour Pink Echinacea Double Exposure Ceri Herd Photography Colour Sunflower Macro Prism Lensbaby OmniCeri Herd Photography Fleet Photographer Colour Dog in Purple HeatherCeri Herd Photography Fleet Photographer ICM Rest Bay PorthcawlCeri Herd Photography Fleet Photographer ICM Porthcawl Trecco Beach

Thanks for joining us again this month. Don’t forget, post your {colours} images on our Facebook page SHARE SIX or to our Instagram gallery by using #sharesix_colors20. A new theme will be posted on 6th October.

Up next in our blog circle is my lovely friend and extremely talented photographer, Michèle Tremblay. Click here to see her images and be sure to leave her some love!

Until next time, stay safe,

Ceri xx

Share Six Contributor