30 Minutes in the Life – March 2020 | Portchester Castle


These times are tough the whole world over, but rather than dwell on the present, I want to look back just a few weeks to when life was…normal.

March is my birthday month! As a gift, I asked for a day trip. I didn’t mind where, I just wanted to have a day that let me focus on my hobby. I wanted to be able to document the day, and that was all. I’m (relatively) easily pleased!

The littlest member of our family has been studying the Romans at school this term, so a visit to Portchester Castle seemed like the perfect choice!

Portchester Castle stands in a commanding position at the north end of Portsmouth Harbour. The Romans built a huge fort here, which remains the best preserved Roman fort north of the Alps. After the Norman Conquest a castle was built in one corner of the fort, which grew into an impressive royal residence. From 1665 Portchester was frequently used to house foreign prisoners of war, most notably during the wars with France between 1793 and 1815. [from the English Heritage website].

Hope you enjoy my images this month. Sorry for the long scroll……..!

Up next in the blog circle is the incredible April White Photography. Please click here to visit April’s blog.



30 Minutes in the Life – January 2020 | A New Year’s Walk

Hey, hey!

For this month’s 30 Minutes I’m sharing some images from a trip we took to West Wittering beach with my parents right back at the beginning of the year.  It seems like a age ago, not a mere 30 days. Was this not the longest January on record?!

You could say it was typical British weather for January. It was bitterly cold and grey, but thankfully the rain stayed away. The dogs (and boys) had fun paddling in the sea, and I used the flat light as an excuse to experiment with techniques, lenses, and a new toy. You’re going to see images using my Lensbaby Edge 35, intentional camera movement and Lensbaby Omni Filters (attached to my 100mm 2.8L).

Up next in the blog circle is the incredible Stacey Markel Photography. Please click here to visit Stacey’s blog.

Hope you enjoy my images this month! Sorry for the long scroll……..!




Thank you for joining me again this month, especially if you made it all the way down here!  Up next in the blog circle is the incredible Stacey Markel Photography. Please click here to visit Stacey’s blog. Want some more amazing inspiration? Keep following the circle to see what other photographers from around the world have shared this month – and don’t forget to leave a little love on their pages!

Until next time,


Share Six Blog Circle – December 2019 | Light

The December Share Six theme is {light}.

To shine your brightest light is to be who you truly are.”
― Roy T. Bennett

The interpretation opportunities with this theme are truly endless so, my wonderful photographer friends, you have no excuse not to share your images with us this month. If you have never shared an image before, this is your chance. Post your {Light} images on our Facebook page SHARE SIX or to our Instagram gallery by using #sharesix_light. A new theme will be posted on 6th January 2020.

Here are a few of my recent captures that were inspired by the light more so than the situation or moment. The first is an early morning dog walk on the frosty heath.

Just an ordinary moment with a favourite book and a hot chocolate, but the light hitting his face compelled me to pick up my camera:

She often looks at me like this. She is wondering why I’m lying on the floor but not next to her; she knows it isn’t possible to cuddle from a distance. This is “puzzled in a perfect spot of light”:

“I am the light”:

Our house with Christmas lights at sunset. It doesn’t look nearly so pretty without the movement, but I do love the Christmas lights:


Thanks for joining us again this month. Up next is my lovely friend and extremely talented photographer, Lynne Grant. Click here to see her images and be sure to leave her some love!

Until next time,

Ceri xx

Share Six Contributor

30 Minutes in the Life – September 2019 | Marwell Zoo


So that’s another month that’s been and gone on the struggle bus! The year is fast coming to an end, and with less than 100 days to go, I already can’t wait for Christmas!

This month I’ve been busy throwing myself into a new venture, but I’m finally feeling myself reaching for my camera when the mood strikes or when the light is right. I’m not where I was with it a year ago, but as the anniversary of our sudden relocation approaches, I’m starting to feel a parting of the storm clouds (*knocks on wood*).

Way back at the beginning of this month, before the boys were back at school, we took a trip to Marwell Zoo. I remember going there with the Brownies when I must’ve been about their age, and both would’ve had school trips there but for the small matter of living in the wrong country at the time. So all that to say, it seemed like a fitting finale to our summer holiday. Turned out to be a bit of a nightmare getting in (their payment systems weren’t working and then they didn’t have change for cash purchases) but I wasn’t going to give up after driving all the way there and we made it in eventually! After all the kerfuffle I didn’t get lots of fun photos to start with, but once we calmed down (and fed the hangry 7-year old) we had a lovely time!

I love these trips because I’m not alone in trying to get the perfect shot or the best view; absolutely everyone is trying to do the same thing too. Whether they have a camera or a phone or a ipad, the vast majority of visitors wants to photograph the animals as well, and I love watching how others approach that (and then typically I try to do something completely different). But how hard is it to get a good shot?! The enclosures make it hard. The animals make it hard. Oh but boy do I love the challenge!


Any guesses which was my favourite encounter of the day? Hint: the next in line and the kid above was less than impressed, but I mean seriously, how could you not love that face?!


Lions say:


Or do they ROOOAAARRRR? (Adding this one because I love it despite its rather obvious flaw. Don’t judge me!)


Thank you for joining me again this month.  Up next in the blog circle is the incredible Ivana Aleric. Please click here to visit Ivana’s blog. Want some more amazing inspiration? Keep following the circle to see what other photographers from around the world have shared this month – and don’t forget to leave a little love on their pages!

Until next time,


Share Six Blog Circle – September 2019 | Gold


September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month, so for all of September Share Six is highlighting @thegoldhopeproject to help spread awareness.

For those of you that don’t know, The Gold Hope Project is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization of photographers who aim to provide free portrait sessions to families battling pediatric cancer. As photographers, we understand how truly important it is to document our children’s lives, and what better gift to give to parents going through such a tremendously difficult time. In addition to pairing young warriors with photographers, @TheGoldHopeProject also works to raise funds for pediatric cancer research. If you want to participate with us this month, here are just a few things you can consider:

1. Tag your {gold} photos with #theGoldHopeProject (to spread awareness) and #sharesix_gold2019 on Instagram. You will have a chance to be featured on one of the MANY participating hubs for the month of September, and as usual you can share you gold images to our facebook wall too.
2. Go to goldhopeproject.com and see how you can apply to be a registered photographer
3. Donate. It DOES make a difference!

This month I’m bringing to you a diverse selection of images from our recent trip to France. And when I say, diverse, I mean grasses, some livestock and two different takes on the same sunset:



And last but not least, and totally not related to our trip to France, a gorgeous 10-week old golden retriever. No, he isn’t mine, but you’re likely to see him again around here!


Thank you for joining me for another month at Share Six.

Post your {Gold} image on our Facebook page SHARE SIX or to our Instagram gallery by using #sharesix_gold2019. A new theme will be posted on 6th October.

Up next is my friend and talented photographer, Michèle Tremblay. Click here to see her images and be sure to leave her some love!

Until next time and happy Summer,

Ceri xx

Share Six Contributor