Artists Inspired Blog Circle | June 2017 – Turquoise

Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

We are on the final countdown. These are our last few weeks living in the desert. Our last few weeks putting up with stupid hot temperatures (and boy are they stupid, forecast to reach 118F next week). Our last few weeks with a swimming pool. Our last few weeks needing a swimming pool!

So what perfect timing to share some of our {turquoise} desert oasis:

Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

We have made many happy memories swimming and enjoying time as a family in this pool. These boys have transformed from fearing the water to confident, capable, water-loving little fish. It is my sincere wish that this will stay with them for many many years and we’ll do our best to make sure it does. But next on the new skills agenda…skiing!

This blog is part of the Artists Inspired Blog Circle series. Click here to continue the circle and see how talented photographer, Sharleen Stuart, interpreted this month’s theme. Be sure to follow the links all the way round to complete the full circle.

The Artists Inspired Blog Circle is made up of an exceptionally talented group of photographers from all walks of life, from all over the world. They are wives, mothers, friends, daughters and visual storytellers who draw from their own experiences to create art that is inspiring, unique, beautiful and thought-provoking.Artists Inspired Blog Circle Contributor

Artists Inspired Blog Circle | May 2017 – Purple

Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

Let me tell you about one of the stark differences between the UK and the Sonoran Desert. Apart from the obvious (the weather).

This has been our third spring in the valley, and each and every time spring rolled around I have been astounded by the vast array of colour. As an outsider I imagined the desert to be dusty brown and lifeless, but oh how wrong I was, and never more so than during the spring. The desert goes literally bananas with wildflowers, all the palo verde turn 1000% yellow, the cacti create flowers from seemingly nowhere and the air becomes thick with the smell of pot pourri. But the thing that gets me, going back to my original point, is the colour of all the blossom. In the UK the colours of spring are soft, pastel, gentle and muted; in the desert the colours are bright and vivid, striking, in-your-face-look-at-me-now colours. They are bright yellows and neon pinks; not ivory, baby pink and soft lilacs.

In the last couple of months alone I have had two occasions where I’ve been focused on photographing one thing and suddenly side-tracked by {purple} flowers. I can only think it is because I see them so rarely here in the desert, when I was so used to them in England. (Let’s not mention the purple flowers in the front garden, ok? I clearly see past them each and every day).

One afternoon at the Desert Botanical Gardens I was looking for Red for a different blog post, when lots of bees and some beautiful colour took my attention elsewhere:

Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

On our recent trip to Big Bend National Park, TX we were headed to a trail head and I was busy with my head in the guide book navigating and whatnot, when these flowers appear just as tiny flash out the corner of my eye. Hence followed the universal photographer’s cry “PULL OVER!”

Ok, so they might technically be “Blue” Bonnets and my processing may have accentuated the “blue”, but any blue flower is really purple in my eyes!

Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography
Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

I’m included this image here too, also from Big Bend National Park, even though I’ve included it in a previous blog post, because I love this little dude:

Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

This blog is part of the Artists Inspired Blog Circle series. Click here to continue the circle and see how talented photographer, Channon Williamson, interpreted this month’s theme. Be sure to follow the links all the way round to complete the full circle.

The Artists Inspired Blog Circle is made up of an exceptionally talented group of photographers from all walks of life, from all over the world. They are wives, mothers, friends, daughters and visual storytellers who draw from their own experiences to create art that is inspiring, unique, beautiful and thought-provoking.Artists Inspired Blog Circle Contributor

Artists Inspired Blog Circle | April 2017 – Black

Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

Oooh it’s colour inspiration blog time! I love how these themes make me think more about what I shoot and also make me share things I might not otherwise be driven to put “out there.” This time however I’m sharing images that I planned to blog all along, not necessarily as part of a blog circle, but perfect for the theme and (as I mentioned in a previous entry) a location worthy of it’s own spotlight:

Carlsbad Caverns : World Heritage Site : New Mexico

Our Spring Break road trip took us to Texas via New Mexico, from the soft white dunes of White Sands National Monument to the rugged desert landscape of Big Bend National Park and the big cities of Austin and Dallas, to the deep dark caves of Carlsbad Caverns. Or “The Bat Cave” if you’re aged five or six and obsessed with superheroes. And it is {black} down there. Really {black}!

Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t do some in-cave in-camera double exposures, would I? Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

I can count the number of times I have handed my camera to a stranger to take a picture of us all on approximately two fingers. This is one of those fingers. Here we all are, adjusting back to the light! It was definitely harder for those without their sunglasses, poor little munchkins!

Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

This blog is part of the Artists Inspired Blog Circle series. Click here to continue the circle and see how talented photographer, Channon Williamson, interpreted this month’s theme. Be sure to follow the links all the way round to complete the full circle.

The Artists Inspired Blog Circle is made up of an exceptionally talented group of photographers from all walks of life, from all over the world. They are wives, mothers, friends, daughters and visual storytellers who draw from their own experiences to create art that is inspiring, unique, beautiful and thought-provoking.Artists Inspired Blog Circle Contributor

Artists Inspired Blog Circle | March 2017 – Green

Scottsdale Photographer © Ceri Herd Photography

I had a plan for this month’s installment of the Artists Inspired blog circle. A clear and concise plan. 10 days before publishing the blog we would be travelling to Texas for Spring Break (which happily coincides with my birthday each year) and I was bound to find lots of {green} there. Surely!

…except I had it in my head I was looking for orange and made no attempt to search out green at all!

Anyhow, no matter. A day at Big Bend National Park presented me with plenty of green to share with you.

…but then, two days after we returned home from our epic road trip, having already selected my {green} images and with only 2 days until I have to post my blog link, as I was enjoying a dog walk at dusk, I was struck by just how much green there is in the valley at this time of year, more so than either of our previous years here thanks to winter rain showers. One week away and the valley has exploded with colour and life in our absence; the air is thick with the smell of blossom! I couldn’t not share it with you! I hope these few images, taken in somewhat of a hurry, capture a sense of that life.

These first two may not look like much but there is grass! Grass where I’ve never seen grass growing before! Green where normally there is brown! How cool is that?!

Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

Ok so this last one isn’t actually from my dog walking route; it is from my original blog post with images from Big Bend National Park. I’m including it here because I loved the juxtaposition of the small and delicate wildflower being threatened and yet protected by the prickles of the spiky prickly pear.Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

This blog is part of the Artists Inspired Blog Circle series. Click here to continue the circle and see how talented photographer, Channon Williamson, interpreted this month’s theme. Be sure to follow the links all the way round to complete the full circle.

The Artists Inspired Blog Circle is made up of an exceptionally talented group of photographers from all walks of life, from all over the world. They are wives, mothers, friends, daughters and visual storytellers who draw from their own experiences to create art that is inspiring, unique, beautiful and thought-provoking.Artists Inspired Blog Circle Contributor

Artists Inspired Blog Circle | January 2017 – Grey

Desert BW | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography | Family photographer

{Grey} (or {Gray} if you’re American)…

I will admit, this month’s colour had me completely stumped. Unless I really go hunting there is nothing grey here, just the desert. So if it is not here right in front of my eyes, what is it fundamentally? Grey is black and white. I almost said “merely black and white”. But in photography black and white is everything. It is the crux and backbone of it all so I should not say “merely” at all.

With that in mind, I would not be me if I did not take that as an opportunity to try something new. You see, these two boys in this desert location, I would never see a black and white image. I am just not that photographer. Some photographers, some very wonderful talented photographers, see their images in black and white before they have even taken them. To me that happens but only occasionally. These boys to me are life. They are bounds of energy. They are love. They are colour. Similarly, so is the desert. I moved here expecting a barren wasteland but I was so wrong. There is a full spectrum of colour (just maybe not grey) and so much life, I struggle to see it in monotone.

And so I took a walk from last month and made it {grey}. (And I did the conversion in a way I had not tried before, because, hello my name is Ceri and I can’t help but experiment). In the process I had a lightbulb moment. I see texture. I see connection. I see I need to make more effort to love the black and whites in my life.

This blog is part of the Artists Inspired Blog Circle series. Click here to continue the circle and see how talented photographer, Brandi Geoghagan, interpreted this month’s theme. Be sure to follow the links all the way round to complete the full circle.

The Artists Inspired Blog Circle is made up of an exceptionally talented group of photographers from all walks of life, from all over the world. They are wives, mothers, friends, daughters and visual storytellers who draw from their own experiences to create art that is inspiring, unique, beautiful and thought-provoking.

Artists Inspired Blog Circle Contributor