Share Six Blog Circle – February 2021 | Silver Lining


A {Silver Lining} might seem hard to find for a lot of us right now, but that’s exactly why Share Six is exploring that theme this month. I’ve spent hours thinking about what my silver lining is and what images to post. I’ve been thinking about what I’m grateful for and what positives I feel at the end of each day. It comes down to this:

I am grateful for the additional time I have had to create images since the beginning of the year. I am grateful I was strong enough to make a choice – a choice that is now giving me the time I need to rediscover myself when I hadn’t realised how lost I was. I am grateful for friends who have pushed me, guided me and encouraged me to find my way back into doing what I love. They know who they are.

Integral to this, I’m currently 3-weeks in to a 4-week workshop with Click Photo School (Clickin Moms). It is called Creative Approach. The workshop is led by insanely talented Ardelle Neubert, and it has been exactly what I needed at exactly the right time. I thought I’d use this theme to share some of my images from the workshop with you.



This is the therapy for my soul that I need while we face these challenging times.

Thanks for joining us again this month. Don’t forget, post your {silver lining} images on our Facebook page SHARE SIX or to our Instagram gallery by using #sharesix_silverlining. A new theme will be posted on 6th March.

Up next in our blog circle is my lovely friend and extremely talented photographer, Janet Douglas. Click here to see her images and be sure to leave her some love!

Until next time, stay safe,

Ceri xx

Share Six Contributor

Share Six Blog Circle – June 2020 | Ordinary to Extraordinary


Thanks for joining us for another month of the Share Six Blog Circle. This month we’re looking at turning the ordinary into the extraordinary.

I feel like my style of photography lends itself quite naturally to the less ordinary, or at least presenting the ordinary in a different way, but I wanted to push myself into something new. Let me tell you, it was quite a challenge for me to think outside of my usual box!

You could say my usual style is to think outside of the box, so I decided I need to spend more time thinking within it. Not overcomplicating, not over-processing and not going over the top with techniques. My aim was to take something simple and capture it in an interesting way.

And here are the results! I hope you appreciate my minimalist approach to the humble colouring pencil. We’re certainly been appreciating them a lot round here these past few months. Enjoy!


Thanks for joining us again this month. Don’t forget, post your {ordinary to extraordinary} images on our Facebook page SHARE SIX or to our Instagram gallery by using #sharesix_ordinarytoextraordinary. A new theme will be posted on 6th July.

Up next in our blog circle is my lovely friend and extremely talented photographer, Michèle Tremblay. Click here to see her images and be sure to leave her some love!

Until next time, stay safe,

Ceri xx

Share Six Contributor

Share Six Blog Circle – November 2019 | Portraits


The Share Six theme this month is {Portraits}.

I’ve talked a lot this year about how I am uninspired and how I have not been driven to pick up my camera since our international relocation. As I sit down to write this, it is exactly one year to the day since we left the US, and my goodness, my sentimentality is through the roof! Reflecting on the images I have taken in preparation for this blog in this past week alone, I see that I do have a reason and a purpose to pick up my camera.


My boys have changed so much in the last year and I wonder now if, when I look back through my 2019 images, I will have visibly missed a chunk of their growing up. I grateful for this theme and the push to capture them more. I vow to continue to do more again.



Inspired by my self-portraits from a few months ago (see those here), I bribed the boys with Halloween sweets. I would say it was worth it.


I snapped this last one as we were heading out the door on Bonfire Night. He does make me laugh!

Remember, remember the fifth of november, for gunpowder, treason and plot


Thank you for joining me for another month at Share Six. I hope you will take this theme, run with it and share your favourites with us. Post your {Portrait} images on our Facebook page SHARE SIX or to our Instagram gallery by using #sharesix_portraits. A new theme will be posted on 6th December.

Up next is my lovely friend and extremely talented photographer, Lynne Grant. Click here to see her images and be sure to leave her some love!

Until next time,

Ceri xx

Share Six Contributor

Share Six Blog Circle – July 2019 | This Is Me

Ceri-Herd-Photography Fleet Photographer Portrait Double Exposure Black and White

I’m not going to lie, this month’s Share Six theme puts me waaaaay outside my comfort zone. And what do I do when I’m forced outside my comfort zone? I hide. In life and in photography, whether that is through avoidance, behind people or behind the lens, I hide and I find a mask. When I’m confronted with the option of fight or flight, I choose flight so you’ll find me cowering in the corner with a pile of excuses. I am non-confrontational, I hate being centre-stage and I am almost as introverted as they come.

All photographs are self-portraits
~ Minor White

Every image I take, every single one that I share, is part of me. They come from such a deeply personal place that they are surely a reflection of my ‘self’. So if my soul is already out there for everyone to see and to judge, why is it so hard to put myself in front of the camera in the more traditional sense? I’ve given this some thought and come to the honest conclusion that it is because I’m shallow. I might be too much of a thinker for my own good, but I’m also vain and I know it. The images I create and share for all the world to see, they are my mask and frankly that mask is more appealing than my face.

How am I comfortable sharing these images with you now? Well for one, I’m not, but also because I’m hiding still. My safety net is creative techniques and experimentation so that is how I am hiding today. Maybe this wouldn’t be {This is Me} however, without my signature in-camera moves.

Ceri-Herd-Photography Fleet Photographer Portrait Double Exposure Black and WhiteCeri-Herd-Photography Fleet Photographer Portrait Double Exposure Black and WhiteCeri-Herd-Photography Fleet Photographer Portrait Double Exposure Black and WhiteCeri-Herd-Photography Fleet Photographer Portrait Double Exposure Black and WhiteCeri-Herd-Photography Fleet Photographer Portrait Double Exposure Black and WhiteCeri-Herd-Photography Fleet Photographer Portrait

Ok, so this last one isn’t me hiding per se, but I still can’t look right at you!

Life begins where fear ends
~ Osho

Thank you for joining me for another month at Share Six.

Post your {this is me} image on our Facebook page SHARE SIX or to our Instagram gallery by using #sharesix_thisisme. A new theme will be posted on 6th August.

Up next is my friend and talented photographer, Sharleen of Sharleen Stuart Photography. Click here to see her images and be sure to leave her some love!

Share Six Contributor

Share Six Blog Circle – July 2018 | Curves

Lensbaby Burnside 35mm Share Six Curves plant

The theme for this month’s Share Six blog circle is {Curves}.

My take on the theme may be a little tenuous but I’ve been waiting for the right opportunity to share some images taken with the latest addition to my lens collection: the Lensbaby Burnside 35mm. The Burnside not only has gorgeous creamy tones, with the right application it creates beautifully curved bokeh. See what I did there? Look for the swirling curves that draw your eye to the subject:

[pp_gallery id=”2111″] 


Thank you for joining us for another month at Share Six. Please continue around the circle by clicking HERE. I can’t wait to see how the exceptionally talented Kathy of KG Ledbetter Photography interpreted this month’s theme!

Join us for this month’s theme by posting your {Curves} images on our Facebook page at SHARE SIX and to our Instagram gallery, by tagging #sharesix and #sharesix_curves. A new theme will be posted on 6th August.

Share Six Contributor