Life Unscripted | April 2017

Unscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

Another month has been and gone. Yet another month that has flown by in a whirl of I don’t know what.

We started April in Boston. If you follow my Facebook page you’ll have seen that we will be moving to Massachusetts in June. We were decision-making, looking at houses and schools, exploring different neighbourhoods, visiting friends, and getting used to real weather again! Since that week life has been moving a pace: planning and researching, securing a place to live, signing paperwork, clearing through boxes and all the other mumbo-jumbo that comes with moving a family across a continent.

We’ve done it before. We can do it again. Right?!

Since that trip is shaping and driving our next few of months and our next couple of years, I want to share some of our Unscripted moments from that week. This is where our lives on the East Coast begins.

Unscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyUnscripted | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

Thanks for stopping by!



Artists Inspired Blog Circle | May 2017 – Purple

Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

Let me tell you about one of the stark differences between the UK and the Sonoran Desert. Apart from the obvious (the weather).

This has been our third spring in the valley, and each and every time spring rolled around I have been astounded by the vast array of colour. As an outsider I imagined the desert to be dusty brown and lifeless, but oh how wrong I was, and never more so than during the spring. The desert goes literally bananas with wildflowers, all the palo verde turn 1000% yellow, the cacti create flowers from seemingly nowhere and the air becomes thick with the smell of pot pourri. But the thing that gets me, going back to my original point, is the colour of all the blossom. In the UK the colours of spring are soft, pastel, gentle and muted; in the desert the colours are bright and vivid, striking, in-your-face-look-at-me-now colours. They are bright yellows and neon pinks; not ivory, baby pink and soft lilacs.

In the last couple of months alone I have had two occasions where I’ve been focused on photographing one thing and suddenly side-tracked by {purple} flowers. I can only think it is because I see them so rarely here in the desert, when I was so used to them in England. (Let’s not mention the purple flowers in the front garden, ok? I clearly see past them each and every day).

One afternoon at the Desert Botanical Gardens I was looking for Red for a different blog post, when lots of bees and some beautiful colour took my attention elsewhere:

Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

On our recent trip to Big Bend National Park, TX we were headed to a trail head and I was busy with my head in the guide book navigating and whatnot, when these flowers appear just as tiny flash out the corner of my eye. Hence followed the universal photographer’s cry “PULL OVER!”

Ok, so they might technically be “Blue” Bonnets and my processing may have accentuated the “blue”, but any blue flower is really purple in my eyes!

Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography
Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

I’m included this image here too, also from Big Bend National Park, even though I’ve included it in a previous blog post, because I love this little dude:

Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

This blog is part of the Artists Inspired Blog Circle series. Click here to continue the circle and see how talented photographer, Channon Williamson, interpreted this month’s theme. Be sure to follow the links all the way round to complete the full circle.

The Artists Inspired Blog Circle is made up of an exceptionally talented group of photographers from all walks of life, from all over the world. They are wives, mothers, friends, daughters and visual storytellers who draw from their own experiences to create art that is inspiring, unique, beautiful and thought-provoking.Artists Inspired Blog Circle Contributor

Artists Inspired Blog Circle | April 2017 – Black

Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

Oooh it’s colour inspiration blog time! I love how these themes make me think more about what I shoot and also make me share things I might not otherwise be driven to put “out there.” This time however I’m sharing images that I planned to blog all along, not necessarily as part of a blog circle, but perfect for the theme and (as I mentioned in a previous entry) a location worthy of it’s own spotlight:

Carlsbad Caverns : World Heritage Site : New Mexico

Our Spring Break road trip took us to Texas via New Mexico, from the soft white dunes of White Sands National Monument to the rugged desert landscape of Big Bend National Park and the big cities of Austin and Dallas, to the deep dark caves of Carlsbad Caverns. Or “The Bat Cave” if you’re aged five or six and obsessed with superheroes. And it is {black} down there. Really {black}!

Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyScottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t do some in-cave in-camera double exposures, would I? Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

I can count the number of times I have handed my camera to a stranger to take a picture of us all on approximately two fingers. This is one of those fingers. Here we all are, adjusting back to the light! It was definitely harder for those without their sunglasses, poor little munchkins!

Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

This blog is part of the Artists Inspired Blog Circle series. Click here to continue the circle and see how talented photographer, Channon Williamson, interpreted this month’s theme. Be sure to follow the links all the way round to complete the full circle.

The Artists Inspired Blog Circle is made up of an exceptionally talented group of photographers from all walks of life, from all over the world. They are wives, mothers, friends, daughters and visual storytellers who draw from their own experiences to create art that is inspiring, unique, beautiful and thought-provoking.Artists Inspired Blog Circle Contributor

Share Six Blog Circle | April 2017 – Connection

Connection | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

Connection: A physical connection between two subjects; the connection between the subject and their surroundings; eye contact; a special bond.

When I think about {connection} or special connections, I instantly think of my children and in particular the first day my youngest little one went to school with his big brother. They insisted that I drop them off at car line instead of walking them in. Whilst I choked back tears I respected their wishes and admired the little one’s courage. I glanced back as I drove away away and saw the big one put a supportive arm around his brother’s shoulder to support him and gently steer him in the right direction. It was the sweetest most tender moment, I knew immediately he was in safe hands and my tears turned from ones of sadness (for they grow so fast and don’t seem to need their mama quite so much) to ones of pride and gratitude for their special bond.

I may not have a physical image of that moment 18 months ago but the picture of it stays in my mind as clear as day, and I do have countless images of that sum up their relationship, of the times they love each other, support each other and hate each other in equal measure!

If I ever ask them to stop what their doing for a picture (which isn’t all that often, because it normally ends in the 5-year old objecting somewhat angrily) that supportive arm quickly swings over the little’s shoulder.

Connection | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

Connection | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyConnection | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyConnection | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

Connection | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

Here they are taking their “pictures of the day” (just like momma) of a view from a hotel room and admiring each others work:Connection | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

I think this was actually in the midst of an argument but it looks like there is love in there too, don’t you think?!

Connection | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

Their happy place. Barnes & Noble. Comic books. Side by side.
Connection | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

“Smell my armpit!” That is love!

Connection | Scottsdale Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

OK, I think that was more than six. Sorry not sorry.

Please click HERE to see the talented Kathy Ledbetter of KG Ledbetter Photography’s interpretation of this months theme.

Join us for this month’s theme by posting your {connection} images on our Facebook page at Share Six and to our Instagram gallery, by tagging #sharesix and #sharesix_connection. A new theme will be posted on 6th May.

Share Six Contributor

Share Six Blog Circle | March 2017 – Restore

Scottsdale Creative Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

I am thrilled and honoured to be to joining the talented Share Six team! Share Six is a group of photographers who blog 6 images each month; each month is a different theme. This month our theme is {restore} and what a wonderful theme to kick start my involvement!

As 2016 came to a close I was competing my 365 (in fact 365 + 3 months). I was completely burnt out from the pre-Christmas rush and the endless months of daily shooting. In the last days of December and moving into the New Year,  I was not thrilled with anything I produced. I couldn’t find any artistry or *see* what I was looking for. At all.

As January passed by and I took some time away from the camera, I continued with the struggle. My desire to create was still strong but my fear of failing stopped me from picking up my camera.

At the beginning of February I had a sudden realisation that I needed to make an effort to change my mood. This funk was not going to go away by itself.

In order to love the final image, I need to love the process of creating it.

In these past few weeks I have been attempting to {restore} myself. I took some time to focus on the specific aim of “creating.” My Share Six images where not specifically taken for this blog but they were taken specifically to restore my artistic soul. I played with each of my favourite creative techniques, techniques that push me technically and artistically. All of these images (apart from one) was taken within a one hour time frame around noon on a bright and sunny day. You’ll will see which is a different time of day (it was the following afternoon, with much lower and more golden light).

Scottsdale Creative Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography


Scottsdale Creative Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

ICM – Intentional Camera Movement

Scottsdale Creative Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

In-Camera Double Exposure

Scottsdale Creative Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

Shooting Through : Prism

Scottsdale Creative Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotographyMacro

Scottsdale Creative Photographer | ©CeriHerdPhotography

Shooting Through: Convex Lens

Over the coming months I’ll be doing a series of “how to” blog posts explaining how and why I do these different techniques. If you’d like to keep up to date with those posts make sure you subscribe to have them delivered them directly to your inbox >>

I hope you enjoyed seeing how I {restore} my creative soul. Time to stop being burned out and overwhelmed with the catch-up task ahead!

Please click HERE to see the talented Aubrey Dettmer of Applewood Photography’s interpretation of this months theme.

Join us for this month’s theme by posting your {restore} images on our Facebook page at Share Six and to our Instagram gallery, by tagging #sharesix and #sharesix_restore. A new theme will be posted on 6th April.

Share Six Contributor