Share Six Blog Circle – December 2018 | Bokeh


The end of the year is almost here and Share Six is rounding it off in the most perfect way: {Bokeh}.

As I looked through my archives for images for this month’s theme, I realised just how removed I have become from my camera and my images during the last two months. It is not just the images that need processing, it is the memories also. I am disconnected. As I sit down to write this post I realise we have been back in the UK for one month, and the three weeks prior to that was crazy (to say the least), so maybe it’s not that surprising that these images feel like a different life. I’m looking forward to the time when I can catch myself up, but for now, here is a progression through the New England fall:


Thank you for joining me for another month at Share Six!

Post your {Bokeh} images on our Facebook page SHARE SIX or to our Instagram gallery by using #sharesix_bokeh. It’s a perfect theme for Christmas trees and Christmas lights so get out there and make the most of it! A new theme will be posted on 6th January 2019.

Up next is the hugely talented Liz of It’s Still Life Photography. Please Click Here to see her images and be sure to leave her some love!

Share Six Contributor

30 Minutes in the Life Blog Circle | November 2018 – Cape Cod


“Thirty Minutes in the Life” features ladies from around the world as we capture 30 minutes in our lives as mothers, wives, daughters, sisters and friends {and photographers}.  This is a blog circle so please be sure to visit the next photographer in the circle.

It’s been a while since my last blog post; a short while but time enough for a world of change.

A little over a month ago our lives were turned upside-down and, cutting a long and complex story short, my family and I are back living permanently in the UK.

With all the stress and instability that came from sudden and unexpected upheaval, photography fell by the wayside. As we settle into our new normal I’m hoping I can get back on track, and I’m thrilled that my return to blogging is with a new group of photographers, the 30 Minutes in the Life ladies. Each month I will be sharing a selection of images taken (yes, you guessed it) over the course of half an hour. This month I’m sharing images from our last-minute day trip to Cape Cod. I’d been to the Cape with my parents last October, but the three boys had never been. When you don’t have a deadline to do something, it’s harder to make that thing a priority, but I couldn’t leave our Massachusetts home without taking them there first. Fortunately we were able to find a free day amongst the chaos so we set out to make the most of it.

This 30 Minutes was the first stop on our trip around the Cape: Boardwalk Beach, Sandwich

Thank you for joining me this month. Please be sure to follow along the blog circle, and see what my amazingly talented friend Channon Williamson is up to this month by clicking here! Want some amazing inspiration? Keep following the circle to see what other photographers from around the world have shared this month – and don’t forget to leave a little love on their pages!

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Share Six Blog Circle – October 2018 | Shooting Through


Life has been getting in the way of the blog recently, but I am shooting-shooting-shooting and working on some exciting things, so keep an eye out for some catch-up posts and news sharing soon. But for now, to the task at hand.

This month the Share Six theme is {Shooting Through}. There are so many ways to interpret this theme, but the way I see it, it essentially comes down to layers and framing. Whether you deliberately hold an object in front of your lens, where the image becomes as much about the object and the way it manipulates the image as it is about the subject itself, or use natural elements or objects already in situ, it is all about creating dynamic interest and depth to your image.

With the rapid onset of autumn, this week I’ve found myself drawn to all the magical colours of New England, how they play off against each other as the change takes place at different speeds. I started at seeing the pops of red and orange between the greens, and as is often the case, I started to play:






Thank you for joining me for another month at Share Six!

Post your {Shooting Through} images on our Facebook page SHARE SIX or to our Instagram gallery by using #sharesix_shootingthrough. A new theme will be posted on 6th November.

Up next is the fabulous Nicola of Nicola MacQueen Photography. Please Click Here to see her images and be sure to leave her some love!

Share Six Contributor

Inspired by Life Blog Circle | July 365


July is long gone and we’ll be back to school in the blink of an eye, so it’s about time I share my images from July. It was a month of two halves: waiting to be home and being home, the home that is England. We spent precious time with so many loved ones. If you’ll watching carefully you’ll see a few of them in these images.

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This post is part of the Inspired by Life Blog Circle. Please continue around the circle and support to my talented friends. Next up is the wonderfully talented Sharleen of Sharleen Stuart Photography. CLICK HERE to see what she has to offer this month.

Thank you for joining me for another month of images.

Until next time,


Share Six Blog Circle – August 2018 | Water


The theme at Share Six this month is {Water}.

We’ve been contemplating the future a lot recently. We don’t know where we’ll be down the road, but what I do know is that I long to be by the sea. Or a big lake at the very least. The ocean, the waves and the sand between my toes fill my heart with joy, with peace and respite from the daily grind. I want to walk the dog on the beach every morning, come rain or shine. Even snow. I want big views and big sky. And light. Give me all the light reflecting off the water and let it shine!

I’m travelling this month so I’m pulling a few recent beachside favourites from my archives. Maybe they’ll give you some inspiration for your own dreams or better still, inspire you to submit your own images with us! Post your {Water} images on our Facebook page SHARE SIX or to our Instagram gallery by tagging #sharesix and #sharesix_water. A new theme will be posted on 6th September.

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That was six at the seaside but I’m throwing in an extra special favourite too, just because…. water.



Thank you for joining us for another month at Share Six. Please continue around the circle by clicking HERE. I can’t wait to see how the exceptionally talented Sharleen of Sharleen Stuart Photography interpreted this month’s theme!

Until next time,
