Share Six Blog Circle – November 2020 | Traditions



It is two years to the day since we left the USA for good. Last year it was an anniversary that came and went with a small recognition of the whirlwind of a year it had been. This year however, I’m not ashamed to say that I’m struggling, in no small part due to the pandemic and the US election.

As we begin our second national lockdown and face the prospect of Christmas without all the usual bells and whistles, I find myself feeling overly nostalgic and overwhelmingly sad at the state of the world.

Looking forward, I find myself focusing on the impact lockdown will have on our annual festive traditions. Last year we went to see the Christmas lights at Longleat, in the US we took annual trips on the Grand Canyon Polar Express and to the Phoenix Zoo Zoolights. In a mad panic  to maintain normality, last week I booked us tickets to see the Christmas lights at Blenheim Palace.  Who knows if we’ll get there with the ever-changing government guidelines, but it is definitely something to look forward to!

I’ve been looking through old images for this post. Now I’m deep in a hole reminiscing about the places we’ve been over the past five years and the traditions we made, and weeping at the thought of those traditions being on-hold this year.


Having a good ol’ sing song on the Polar Express in 2016!


This next one is a throwback to our first trip on the Polar Express in 2014. They were so small!


Searching back through the archives, one thing seems to tie every year together, and clearly it’s one tradition that we’ll be able to hold on to this year after all. There is always hot chocolate!



Thanks for joining us again this month. Don’t forget, post your {traditions} images on our Facebook page SHARE SIX or to our Instagram gallery by using #sharesix_traditions. A new theme will be posted on 6th December.

Up next in our blog circle is my lovely friend and extremely talented photographer, Lynne Grant. Click here to see her images and be sure to leave her some love!

Until next time, stay safe,

Ceri xx

Share Six Contributor

Share Six Blog Circle – September 2020 | Colours

This month the Share Six team is looking at {Colours} or {Colors}. Whether it is single colour, colour pops or multiple colours, colour brings something extra special to the image.

Here are a few of my favourites images from the past month where the colour or the tone are a major contributing factor. Enjoy!

Ceri Herd Photography Fleet Photographer Colour Succulent Intentional Camera MovementCeri Herd Photography Colour Pink Echinacea Double Exposure Ceri Herd Photography Colour Sunflower Macro Prism Lensbaby OmniCeri Herd Photography Fleet Photographer Colour Dog in Purple HeatherCeri Herd Photography Fleet Photographer ICM Rest Bay PorthcawlCeri Herd Photography Fleet Photographer ICM Porthcawl Trecco Beach

Thanks for joining us again this month. Don’t forget, post your {colours} images on our Facebook page SHARE SIX or to our Instagram gallery by using #sharesix_colors20. A new theme will be posted on 6th October.

Up next in our blog circle is my lovely friend and extremely talented photographer, Michèle Tremblay. Click here to see her images and be sure to leave her some love!

Until next time, stay safe,

Ceri xx

Share Six Contributor

Share Six Blog Circle – August 2020 | Refresh

This month’s Share Six theme is {Refresh}.

Let me tell you. What a week it has been! I had big plans for a refresh and recharge this month, but alas someone had other plans for us.

We did a very last minute booking to go to France – middle of the countryside, super isolated, way easier to be social distant there than here kind of place – after putting off the decision to go for several weeks. We were excited to have finally made the decision to go and to be getting a change of scenery for the first time in months. It was going to be just the change in scene that we need to recharge our batteries.

However, barely minutes after making the booking, I realised that half of the family’s passports expired a month ago. With such a last minute booking, there was no way we can get the renewal done in time. Wah!

So we shall not be refreshing our souls in France this summer after all. We shall be trying to salvage what we can of our holiday here instead.

The small one started off his summer with a splash. A refreshing splash!


And yet, here I am thinking that macro photography with Lensbaby Omni Filters is far more refreshing for my soul. I think is because there is no danger of my camera getting wet with this one:



Thanks for joining us again this month. Don’t forget, post your {refresh} images on our Facebook page SHARE SIX or to our Instagram gallery by using #sharesix_refresh. A new theme will be posted on 6th September.

Up next in our blog circle is my lovely friend and extremely talented photographer, Katherine Cobert. Click here to see her images and be sure to leave her some love!

Until next time, stay safe,

Ceri xx

Share Six Contributor


Share Six Blog Circle – July 2020 | New


Across the world, nations and communities have been experiencing a {new} normal. As we begin to turn a corner here, moving into a new phase of localised lockdowns, Share Six is reflecting on {new} and what that has meant to us during these turbulent past few months.

We were without a garden of our own for five years, and the last time I had a patch of green where I could make plans and make planting investments, I had two very small boys. The priority there was a Little Tikes truck and a blanket in the shade of a tree! This enforced time at home has given me the time and space (that I didn’t know) I needed to get back in touch with my (very barely) green fingers. We have planted up lots of pots, started to grow our own veggies and sunflowers from seed, dug up a shed base and sowed grass seed in its place. For the first time, we are making a garden our own. It is new and I feel renewed.

I’ve also been trying my hand at macro images without fancy techniques (of course I am including a few of those too because I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t). There first two images are technically a weed and they have since been mowed, but they feel right to be shared here.



I might be in the minority, but I have truly treasured this time we have had at home. I’m not ready to leave the safety and security of these four walls. I like it here.

Thanks for joining us again this month. Don’t forget, post your {new} images on our Facebook page SHARE SIX or to our Instagram gallery by using #sharesix_new. A new theme will be posted on 6th August.

Up next in our blog circle is my lovely friend and extremely talented photographer, Janet Douglas. Click here to see her images and be sure to leave her some love!

Until next time, stay safe,

Ceri xx

Share Six Contributor

Share Six Blog Circle – June 2020 | Ordinary to Extraordinary


Thanks for joining us for another month of the Share Six Blog Circle. This month we’re looking at turning the ordinary into the extraordinary.

I feel like my style of photography lends itself quite naturally to the less ordinary, or at least presenting the ordinary in a different way, but I wanted to push myself into something new. Let me tell you, it was quite a challenge for me to think outside of my usual box!

You could say my usual style is to think outside of the box, so I decided I need to spend more time thinking within it. Not overcomplicating, not over-processing and not going over the top with techniques. My aim was to take something simple and capture it in an interesting way.

And here are the results! I hope you appreciate my minimalist approach to the humble colouring pencil. We’re certainly been appreciating them a lot round here these past few months. Enjoy!


Thanks for joining us again this month. Don’t forget, post your {ordinary to extraordinary} images on our Facebook page SHARE SIX or to our Instagram gallery by using #sharesix_ordinarytoextraordinary. A new theme will be posted on 6th July.

Up next in our blog circle is my lovely friend and extremely talented photographer, Michèle Tremblay. Click here to see her images and be sure to leave her some love!

Until next time, stay safe,

Ceri xx

Share Six Contributor