Share Six Blog Circle – March 2022 | Revive


This month’s Share Six theme is {revive}:

re·​vive | \ ri-ˈvīv  \revivedreviving


intransitive verbto return to consciousness or life become active or flourishing again

transitive verb: to restore to consciousness or life: to restore from a depressed, inactive, or unused state bring back: to renew in the mind or memory

It’s been a long long winter. I think I’ve felt every minute of it. Although we’re coming out of the darkness of winter, there is a cloud that hangs over us all. I find myself searching again for things to calm my busy mind, soothe my anxiety and revive my creative soul. I am thankful that the light is returning and Spring is beginning to show it’s colours.


Thanks to the return of the light, I find I’m more inspired to create and experiment again.


Thanks for joining us again this month. Don’t forget, post your {revive} images on our Facebook page SHARE SIX or to our Instagram gallery by using #sharesix_revive. A new theme will be posted on 6th April.

Up next in our blog circle is my lovely friend and talented photographer, Janet Douglas. Check out Jan’s blog and be sure to leave her some love!

Until next time, stay safe,

Ceri xx

Share Six Blog Circle – October 2021 | Documentary


This month we’re talking all about {documentary} photography. Over the past year or so, I steered away from documenting everything, much to the relief of the family. But documentary photography is my roots and I’ll never not take my camera on our mini adventures.

We recently renewed our English Heritage membership so I’m freshly invested in visiting all the local castles and ruins to make the most of it. One of those places is Waverley Abbey in Surrey (although this one is actually open access, haha. No membership discount required). The Abbey is only about 15 minutes from us and we’ve driven past so many times, but somehow we’d never been!

Here’s a few images from our hour at the Abbey in the Surrey countryside:


Thanks for joining us again this month. Don’t forget, post your {documentary} images on our Facebook page SHARE SIX or to our Instagram gallery by using #sharesix_documentary. A new theme will be posted on 6th November.

Up next in our blog circle is my lovely friend and talented photographer, Janet Douglas. See Jan’s images and be sure to leave her some love!

Until next time, stay safe,

Ceri xx

Share Six Contributor

30 Minutes in the Life – September 2021 | Cardiff Castle

leaded windows at cardiff castle

Welcome to another month of the 30 Minutes in the Life blog circle!

A few weeks ago we took a trip to Cardiff to watch London Welsh rugby club play Cardiff. We decided to make a weekend of it, by staying overnight and heading to Cardiff Castle the following morning.

Cardiff Castle on a sunny day
two boys in stocks at cardiff castle
boy in stocks at cardiff castle
leaded windows at cardiff castle
leaded windows at cardiff castle
two boys on steps at cardiff castle
silhouette of man at doorway of cardiff castle
inside cardiff castle open to the sky
view through window at cardiff castle to church spire
view through window at cardiff castle of modern city and millennium stadium
tired boy leaning on rail at cardiff castle
boy pretending to fire cannon at cardiff castle
trebuchet at cardiff castle with millenium stadium behind
boy pretending to fire cannon at cardiff castle
cardiff castle wall with Lensbaby
view through gate at cardiff castle with lensbaby
cardiff castle wall with Lensbaby

Thanks for joining me on our trip to Cardiff Castle.

Up next in the blog circle is the incredible Sharleen of Sharleen Stuart Photography. Please click here to visit Sharleen’s blog.

Until next time, stay safe,


Share Six Blog Circle – August 2021 | Floral


This month, the theme for our Share Six blog circle is {Floral}. Since the arrival of my Lensbaby Velvet 85 and Omni Colour Expansion pack in the Spring, I’ve been obsessing over flowers. All the flowers!


Thanks for joining us again this month. Don’t forget, post your {floral} images on our Facebook page SHARE SIX or to our Instagram gallery by using #sharesix_floral. A new theme will be posted on 6th September.

Up next in our blog circle is my lovely friend and talented photographer, Sharleen of Sharleen Stuart Photography. See Sharleen’s images and be sure to leave her some love!

Until next time, stay safe,

Ceri xx

Share Six Contributor

Share Six Blog Circle – February 2021 | Silver Lining


A {Silver Lining} might seem hard to find for a lot of us right now, but that’s exactly why Share Six is exploring that theme this month. I’ve spent hours thinking about what my silver lining is and what images to post. I’ve been thinking about what I’m grateful for and what positives I feel at the end of each day. It comes down to this:

I am grateful for the additional time I have had to create images since the beginning of the year. I am grateful I was strong enough to make a choice – a choice that is now giving me the time I need to rediscover myself when I hadn’t realised how lost I was. I am grateful for friends who have pushed me, guided me and encouraged me to find my way back into doing what I love. They know who they are.

Integral to this, I’m currently 3-weeks in to a 4-week workshop with Click Photo School (Clickin Moms). It is called Creative Approach. The workshop is led by insanely talented Ardelle Neubert, and it has been exactly what I needed at exactly the right time. I thought I’d use this theme to share some of my images from the workshop with you.



This is the therapy for my soul that I need while we face these challenging times.

Thanks for joining us again this month. Don’t forget, post your {silver lining} images on our Facebook page SHARE SIX or to our Instagram gallery by using #sharesix_silverlining. A new theme will be posted on 6th March.

Up next in our blog circle is my lovely friend and extremely talented photographer, Janet Douglas. Click here to see her images and be sure to leave her some love!

Until next time, stay safe,

Ceri xx

Share Six Contributor