Mid-morning on Boxing Day – the day after Christmas, if you’re not familiar with the term – my phone rang. A call from an unknown number on a holiday, it must be a cold caller, so I left it to ring. However, when my phone buzzed to say they’d left a voicemail message, my curiosity was piqued and I listened straight away.
Six months earlier I had filled out a form to go on the waiting list for the Welsh Corgi Rescue Society, but it was a big surprise to be listening to message on Boxing Day morning that said “there’s a corgi in need of new home.”
If you’ve followed my blog or on social, you’ll have seen photos of Nerys. We rehomed her when we lived in Arizona and brought her back to the UK with us. She is a very important member of our family and we’ve often thought about getting her a doggy sibling. We weren’t sure when, but positioned ourselves to be available for the right dog, knowing that that meant it would be the right time.

After the initial phone call (just minutes after listening to the voicemail, and which somewhat delayed the cooking of our big family Boxing Day lunch, whoops) to the day we went to meet Cai, it took a month. A month of patience and worry, of “what ifs” and hope.
And then, we brought Cai home. That was exactly a week ago, today.

One week on, it is abundantly clear, he was meant to be with us. In just a short amount of time, Cai has brought us so much joy, and I think it’s safe to say, he’s happy he’s here too.

It’s only been 7 days so I should give myself some grace, but I’ve not had much success capturing Cai and Nerys together. We took them to watch rugby on Saturday (get in, London Welsh) so I seized the opportunity.

I’ve definitely got some work to do to perfect the double pooch portrait!
Thanks for joining us again this month. Don’t forget, post your {pets} on our Facebook page SHARE SIX or to our Instagram gallery by using #sharesix_pets. A new theme will be posted on 6th March.
Up next in our blog circle is my lovely friend and talented photographer, Katherine Cobert. Check out Katherine’s blog and be sure to leave her some love!
Until next time, stay safe,
Ceri xx