Our family has been back in the UK for five months and we are almost *finally* in our own home. Now we can feel settled. Now we can get used to our new normal.
One new normal that will definitely become a habit is this playground. We absolutely love visiting Farnham Park in Surrey. There is so much to capture the kids imagination, and so much space to run and explore, we’re lucky that it is only ten minutes from home (our new home, yee-haw)!
He is such a goofball. I love his crazy faces!
Thank you for joining me again this month. Up next in the blog circle is the fabulous Stacey Markel Photography. Please click here to visit Stacey’s page. Want some more amazing inspiration? Keep following the circle to see what other photographers from around the world have shared this month – and don’t forget to leave a little love on their pages!
Until next time,