Share Six Blog Circle – February 2021 | Silver Lining


A {Silver Lining} might seem hard to find for a lot of us right now, but that’s exactly why Share Six is exploring that theme this month. I’ve spent hours thinking about what my silver lining is and what images to post. I’ve been thinking about what I’m grateful for and what positives I feel at the end of each day. It comes down to this:

I am grateful for the additional time I have had to create images since the beginning of the year. I am grateful I was strong enough to make a choice – a choice that is now giving me the time I need to rediscover myself when I hadn’t realised how lost I was. I am grateful for friends who have pushed me, guided me and encouraged me to find my way back into doing what I love. They know who they are.

Integral to this, I’m currently 3-weeks in to a 4-week workshop with Click Photo School (Clickin Moms). It is called Creative Approach. The workshop is led by insanely talented Ardelle Neubert, and it has been exactly what I needed at exactly the right time. I thought I’d use this theme to share some of my images from the workshop with you.



This is the therapy for my soul that I need while we face these challenging times.

Thanks for joining us again this month. Don’t forget, post your {silver lining} images on our Facebook page SHARE SIX or to our Instagram gallery by using #sharesix_silverlining. A new theme will be posted on 6th March.

Up next in our blog circle is my lovely friend and extremely talented photographer, Janet Douglas. Click here to see her images and be sure to leave her some love!

Until next time, stay safe,

Ceri xx

Share Six Contributor

30 Minutes in the Life Blog Circle | November 2020


It’s been a few months since I’ve been able to join in with the 30 Minutes in the Life blog circle. Life kept getting in the way. I’m so glad to be back!

For this month’s 30 Minutes in the Life, I’m sharing a Sunday morning stroll along the Basingstoke Canal. This beautiful waterway is just a few minutes from home, and sometimes, just sometimes, the light is absolutely perfect.


Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoyed seeing a little piece of our world. Up next in the blog circle is the incredibleJanet Crouch. Please click here to visit Janet’s blog.

Until next time,


Share Six Blog Circle – January 2020 | Macro

It’s 2020! Thanks for joining me as we kick off another journey around the sun.

This month Share Six is focusing on all things {macro}!

It’s no great secret that I’ve been struggling creatively these past few months (ummmm, all of 2019…), but I’m hopeful that my most favourite Christmas gift, as well as forcing myself into a new 366 project, is going to turn the tide and refocus my energy.

That Christmas gift was a set of Lensbaby Omni Filters. If you haven’t come across these before, they are a set of prisms/wands that, with the use of magnetic arms, enable you to play with light and reflections right in front of your lens. As with any Lensbaby (or indeed any new equipment…yes, I’m talking to you, new Wacom tablet, that I’m attempting to use for the first time today too, humph), there is a learning curve. With these filters learning comes with experimentation, both in terms of using the different wand attachments, but also using different lighting. It turns out different lighting scenarios change what you thought you already knew about them!

These images were taken on Boxing Day (that’s December 26th to those who don’t know). Which means, yes, it took over 24 hours for me to get the chance to play. What madness?! These were my very first attempts with the Omni filters, so ixnay on the judgement, ok, thanks 🙂


I’m adding in an extra one here, whilst not strictly macro, it shows how the omni prism creates beautiful reflections:



Thanks for joining us again this month. If you have any questions about how I created specific effects or Lensbaby Omni in general, fire away! Add you comments or questions below. And don’t forget, post your {macro} images on our Facebook page SHARE SIX or to our Instagram gallery by using #sharesix_macro. A new theme will be posted on 6th February.

Up next in our blog circle is my lovely friend and extremely talented photographer, Lynne Grant. Click here to see her images and be sure to leave her some love!

Until next time,

Ceri xx

Share Six Contributor

Inspired by Life Blog Circle | June 365


It’s time again to look back at my images from last month: this is June.

I am officially half way through this current 365!

I remember thinking at the time the whole of June felt like a constant and monotonous countdown, waiting for the last day of school and for the summer to finally begin. It doesn’t seem right that we wish away these days by dreaming about tomorrow or tomorrow’s tomorrow even though there are more exciting days on the horizon. There is beauty and joy to be found in every day, so long as we take the time to appreciate it. I was obviously feeling the *blah* of the waiting and of the daily grind because it was clearly reflected through many days of (frankly, boring) images. But blah does not make the cut, so this gallery is smaller than others. I shall endeavour to better my attitude and my images for July, I promise!

So here is June (minus that blah):

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Up next in the Inspired by Life blog circle is Tracy of Bee Cherished Photography. Click Here to see her latest blog post. Make sure you stop by and leave her some love.

Thank you for joining me for another month of images.

Until next time,


10 on 10 Blog Circle | July 2018

photograph of white peony flower macro photography

Every once in a while, back when school was still in session, I would find myself with a brief window of time in the day just for myself, once my to-do list was finished but there was still time before pick-up. On this particular day I had 10 minutes. 10 minutes in the garden with my camera. It was spring so there were flowers in full bloom and I could’ve happily spent hours studying each and every one. A 10 on 10 in 10:

[pp_gallery id=”2125″] 


Thank you for joining me for another 10 on 10. Up next in our blog circle is Sharleen of Sharleen Stuart Photography. Click Here to see what amazing images she is sharing with us this month.

Until next time,
